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School Meals

All pupils in Newham are currently entitled to a Free School Meal. However, if you are entitled to Free Schools Meals due to the family receiving benefits then we still need to know. A menu cycle is produced and made available to parents. There is also a copy on display in the corridor next to the office.

We think that children just starting school in reception should go home to lunch for the first two weeks, until they have settled and become used to a whole day at school. However, if this is difficult for you, please see your child’s class teacher. After this, children may continue to go home to lunch, order a school meal or bring a packed lunch.

School Meals: School meals provide a variety of choice to cater for different needs, including vegetarian. A weekly menu is put on the school notice board. If your child needs a special diet, please let us know.

Packed Lunch: If you provide your child with a packed lunch, please do not include sweets or drinks in glass bottles. All drinks should be in either plastic or cardboard containers (no fizzy drinks).


Home Lunch: Children should be collected promptly at 12:00 pm (Reception, KS1 and Year 3 and 4) or 12.30 pm (Years 5 and 6) and returned to school no earlier than 12:50 pm (Reception, KS1 and Year 3 and 4) or 1.20 pm (Years 5 and 6).

School Lunch Menu

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